So I have this terrible habit of starting blog posts and then not finishing them for a couple weeks... or a month. The picture above was taken almost a month ago, when I first started this post. Oops. But in the meantime I was working overtime at my day job, working my normal weekend shift at my second job and we moved. Radio silence justified. The most awesome part of the last couple weeks was that we moved into a house! It's a rental, but I cannot describe how awesome having our own space is. It's just great. And here is my Friday collection of links that I've come across in the last month. ;)
A couple highlights from the apartment we are so happy to be out of.
I'm in totally in love with this hair colour.
An interesting post about Keri Smith's creative journey.
Ladies, have you ever been called bossy?
A really fantastic read by a father about his autistic son's life from the beginning to his 20s and how they reached him through his love of Disney. If nothing else, you really should read this one.
My jaw hit the floor reading Little Miss Momma's Hawaii vacation recap the other day and I read that she saw Jack Johnson there, at the beach. As if I wasn't jealous enough about the rest of the trip...
All the laminate flooring in our new place has me searching out cute slippers like these and these.
Gavin can't stop talking about Leprechaun traps this past week.
The warmer weather lately has me dreaming of camping! I know it's a little while off, but I can't help it.
Have a wonderful weekend!