Kids Crafts: Paper Bag Puppets

Monday, May 28, 2012

I've decided to start putting together regular posts with ideas for simple crafts to do with kids. My aim isn't really to come up with an amazingly inventive and original crafts. I'm more interested in motivating myself to create regularly with Gavin and to inspire others to get creative with their kids. So you can expect simple crafts and probably a lot of tried and true ones that many of us did as kids. I hope you'll join in and share your favourite kids craft ideas along the way!

The first one falls under the "tried and true" category for sure... paper bag puppets!

I got a bunch of brown paper bags for free a while ago and the first thing I thought of was this old project. Kids can do this if they are really young and big kids (like Mason and I) enjoy it too. Since Gavin isn't a skilled cutter yet, I had to help turn his ideas into a reality. He wanted to make a t-rex so I cut out a basic head shape, a piece for the bottom of his mouth and two arms. After that it was all about colouring and glue so Gavin took over from there!

Here is what we made:

I love sitting down as a family to make things, Mason always surprises me with his enthusiasm once he gets into it! :)

What are your favourite crafts for kids?

2 wonderful comments:

Tara said...

Those are super cute! I'm super impressed with Gavin's T-Rex :)

I love any kids crafts that make use of recycled items, like egg cartons or milk cartons... or paper bags like these!

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

When I worked for the after school program, I loved easy crafts. Easy or edible -- gah! They loved edible crafts.