Food Friday

Friday, April 6, 2012

This week for Food Friday I decided to do something a little different. I found a recipe on a blog I read regularly called Cheeky Kitchen. Since I followed the recipe pretty much exactly (except for cutting everything in half), I can't repost it. Plus, you really should checkout the Cheeky Kitchen blog! The author and her family recently made the switch to a vegan diet and I tried her Quinoa Fried Rice recipe. It is SO good! I like it just as much as actual fried rice, but quinoa is even better for you. I highly recommend that you go checkout the rice and try it at home.... and remember that the recipe is for her family of six, so if you're going to be feeding a smaller family you might want to make a half recipe. :)

Here is what Gavin thinks about it:

Speaking of Gavin, he's at home with me until Tuesday! That calls for some serious creativity.... what shall we do?

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