A Couple More Announcements

Friday, February 3, 2012

I guess this is just housekeeping, but I'll get a bunch of random stuff down in this one post. 

First of all, my blog email has changed. It used to be acireaccessories[at]gmail[dot]com, but it is now erica[at]acireadventures[dot]com . My links have been updated and now you know!

Second, I'm sure you noticed I changed the blog again. It's so much fun for my nerdy side to redesign my blog and I always get tired of one thing and want to change it. Plus, picnik is closing, so I might as well take advantage of it while I still can!

Third, and most exciting...

Next week I'll be doing a Vegetarian Food Week! It will be the same as past Food Weeks: one recipe a day for seven days. But this time, all vegetarian recipes! I gave up meat for a short period a few years ago and even though I eat it now, I still love trying recipes without it. I hope you'll join in the fun. :)

Have a lovely weekend!

2 wonderful comments:

Tara said...

Love the grey and red! And it's so coordinated with your profile pic :)

Erica @ Acire Adventures said...

Thanks! It was a total fluke!