A Personal Story, part 6

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My dad and my sister were next to get the news of my pregnancy. I'm not sure which made me more nervous. Not only did I have to tell my dad that I got pregnant and was going to be a single mother, but I also had to ask if I could move back in. Again. Funny enough, when I broke the news his reaction was pretty much, "Oh, ok". It seems that almost nothing really shocks my dad into showing a big reaction. With my sister, it was a little complicated. There was a lot of stuff that was left unsaid when it came to my involvement with J and some had been said when I attempted to get back together with him. But I dropped the bomb over a big plate of dessert and she took it well. I even got to go to her place afterwards so we could share the news of impending uncle-dom on my brother-in-law.

After I broke the news to my immediate family members, things got a little easier. I started sharing the news with more people, and that helped everything feel more normal. I was confused about what my future looked like, but it was a waiting game.

Tara and I at her convocation, June 2008
Then, in June 2008, Mason got in touch with me over Facebook because I had some stuff of his. I went out to the cabin he was renting at a beach outside the city to give it back and hang out with him. We had a fun day walking around and relaxing, but I knew I had to bring my pregnancy up - I wanted to be the one to tell him, rather than the rumor mill. I thought he would be strange about it, but he wasn't. He was supportive and said that I had to let him meet the little person someday. And somehow, after everything, sparks flew again.

August 2008
Mason and I didn't see each other again for a couple of weeks. I saw J in that time and he tried to be involved in my life again, but it was too little, too late... And it didn't take long for his temper to flare up once I told him that. When Mason and I spoke next, he was back in the city. We hung out occasionally and had some really good times. As the summer went on, we spent more and more time together. I was having so much fun that I decided to just let things happen. I knew that the summer would end and he would go back to school in another city, so I focused on the moment instead of the potential heartbreak in my future. But that summer flew by so quickly, my sister got married, and I fell in love.

Tara and Jacob's Wedding, August 2008

to be continued...

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