Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today is a day to honour all the amazing dads in our lives. I have three that I would like to say a big "Happy Fathers Day!!!!" to today.

Dad, the only thing more fun and amazing than having you as my Dad has been seeing you become a grandpa. You've always been a silly, creative, and incredibly gentle father. I love the side of you that I get to see when you're with Gavin and Ben, nothing beats what grandchildren do to their grandpa!

Dad and I, 1989

Dad and Gavin, 2010
Mason, you are the best dad Gavin and I could have ever dreamed up. You bring so much light to our lives. :)

Gavin and Mason, June 2011

And finally, to Jacob, my brother-in-law. You're such a sweet daddy and uncle! Happy first Father's Day!
Jacob with Ben and Gavin, 2011

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