Book-Smart Sunday

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good Morning!

I hope everyone enjoyed the first week of Book-Smart Sunday last weekend! It's time to go at it again. This week I decided to feature a book that my sister recommended to me when we visited Regina last.

This book is called The Write Start and is written by Jennifer Hallissy. 
[the image links to the author's blog]

My sister found this book and fell in love with it and shared it with me. The next time I was at a book store, I looked at it a little closer and decided I needed a copy of my own as well! I think the subject matter is so important as a parent and as a future educator. I have always been lucky enough to enjoy writing and have good writing skills, and it's very important to me that I do my best to encourage the same in my own child. The author's writing is very appealing and easy to read. The connections she draws in the early chapters between good writing skills and overall academic success make so much sense (but I had never really thought about it that way before). The bulk of the book is full of activities to encourage the development of writing skills in children, starting from the time they are old enough to grasp their first crayon until they are accomplished storytellers and writers. My sister, who is an early childhood educator, said this is also a great resource as a teacher. To be more exact, I think she said "Where was this book my first two years of teaching?!" 

Jennifer Hallissy's blog also looks like lots of fun and is worth taking a look at. 


1 wonderful comments:

Tara said...

Yes! I am so glad you decided to check out this book and share it here :) It is so informative to learn about writing development from an occupational therapy perspective, but it's still very accessible and jargon-free!

A little tip for anyone who doesn't have easy access to a photocopier: The awesome templates that are in the back of the book are also available on Jennifer Hallissy's website, so you can just print them from your computer. ( - there is a tab that says "Templates" at the top)