Fall Clean-up, Gavin Style

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I know Spring is supposed to be the season to clean and organize, but I'm all over it this fall. Mason cleaned up his super shaggy head of hair (read: whole head, his face was fluffy too) and I was like, "Oh hey, there you are!"... haha... and then I looked at Gavin and I thought, Thank goodness he can't grow facial hair because he is the shaggiest of all!
[note: the picture on the left is what it looked like nicely combed, but that lasted for 
no longer than 2 minutes so I included a photo of what his hair was like for the 
other 23 hours and 58 minutes each day!]

So I finally got him a hair cut and he looks a lot older, I think. Definitely handsome!

2 wonderful comments:

Balancing Lisa said...

awwww, he looks great! My little guy is getting kinda shaggy too...may need to give him a mini overhaul as well!

Erica @ Acire Adventures said...

Thanks! It's amazing how much older they look with a clean hair cut!