Book-Smart Sunday

Sunday, July 17, 2011

In case you haven't noticed yet, when it comes to children's books, I'm a big fan of timeless classics. This is another great one. I remember in elementary school, there was a section for all the "little kid" books. I read this one often. It's Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson.

In case you haven't read it {you need to}, it's a very simple story about a boy named Harold who draws himself an adventure with his purple crayon. The drawings are so simple and totally loveable. Gavin loves this one. I love how clever the wording is. I'm not sure I can even explain if you haven't read the book! But here is one cute example of the clever wording:

I doubt I really caught that as a child, but it amazes me now that the entire book is written the way it is. Also sweet is the moral of the book, which is that we are creators of our own experiences. To pack all of that good stuff into one good book is amazing, so please read this to your kids!

2 wonderful comments:

Kimberly said...

ooh this is one of my very favorites...I read it as a child, read it to my class as a preschool teacher and now read it to my 3 year old...its such a great book for sparking imagination...

Erica @ Acire Adventures said...

That is super sweet, Kimberly. Books are such a wonderful thing to share. And kids books are really the best! :)