It has been quite eye-opening. The book is about recognizing your "critic", that nasty voice in your head that beats you up, compares you and criticizes you, and learning to separate from it. Around the same time I started the book, I saw this post on The Shine Project. What really caught my eye was the line at the bottom of the post:
I was just starting to be mindful of all the horrible messages my critic was feeding me everyday and hearing the way Ashley put it really made it hit home. Why in the world did it seem ok to treat myself like this? I would never in a million years let someone else treat me that way.
So needless to say, it was time for some changes. It is time for me to let me be myself, do things I want to do, and to feel good about it. I don't have a plan, schedule or specific goals because I don't want to claim to know where I'm going with this. I don't and that's the beauty of it. A lot of the change is just paying more attention to my thoughts and taking control. But I may be posting on this topic from time to time, because I believe sharing personal struggles, successes and lessons only helps us more.
And this week I decided to join in on The Shine Project's weekly challenge. The challenge this week was thrifting. I don't go to thrift stores very often anymore, but I've had this amazing vintage top sitting in my closet for, um, years. I think it was about $5, but I don't really remember. I loved it so much that I bought it, but have never had the guts to wear it out! Sad, isn't it? I've always had this whole idea that wearing awesome clothes is something I do for others, so why would I wear a cool outfit if I'm not going out somewhere important? Clearly that idea is a little off, so that's just another thing to work on. Aaaanywaayys... taking pictures of myself was a challenge in itself, but I made it through and I'll share a couple with you!
Ta-da! Ok, and I still haven't worn it out, maybe that should be a challenge for me?

7 wonderful comments:
Such a great post! Most of my "problems" begin and end with me. I've always had a problem with self esteem. Thanks so much for sharing what you learned!
PS-I LOVE the top! It looks really good on you :)
The brilliant clarity of ever-present awareness. By the way, you are beautiful :)
Rebecca, isn't that the truth? It's empowering and a little overwhelming how much power we have over our own lives. It's wonderful to know I'm not the only one who feels like this at times. And thanks for the compliment of the top! :)
And thanks Mason, I guess you do read my blog after all!
Girlfriend you are SO pretty!! I love the bright and cheerful shirt.
And how did you do your eye makeup? I like it!! I wanna do it!
that is the most interesting top, I kinda love it.
I missed this post with the busy weekend, but wow - that shirt looks amazing on you! It is so YOU.
You are a gorgeous woman, the most understanding friend/sister, and one of the best mommy's I've ever met. You are so kind, open-minded and non-judgemental towards other people, and I hope you can start showing yourself the same respect :)
(And I hope I didn't embarrass you by writing this right on your blog! But it's 110% true!)
Thank you, Laynah!
And Tara, embarrass me? No way! You're the sweetest big sister ever. Thanks for being a great example and always sticking by my side. Love you so much!
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