Glider Makeover... Complete!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm so excited to show this project off!

I finished up the glider that I have been working on for a long time.... and it is awesome! It looks a million times better and is more comfy. It was a total win-win!  :)

{A big thanks to Mason for his help with sanding the chair down, because it's time consuming and the least fun part of the whole job!}

So in case you missed the other posts about it, here is a photo I found on the web of the chair as we bought it (the wood looked a little more red though):

And here is the finished product:

I also lucked out and found some buttons made to be covered in fabric in the stash of vintage goodies that I got from my grandma a few months back. So I covered them in the same fabric and used them on the back cushion of the chair!

What do you think?

3 wonderful comments:

Christine said...

I love this chair. It turned out great!

Mom said...

Fantastic!! So much more modern looking.

Connie said...

You did an amazing job! Come to my house please.