Something We Love

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good Morning!

Since I like to blog about mommy things on here every now and then, I thought I would share a product that we bought for the little man. He LOVES this thing, and we're really happy with the purchase. Just to clarify, I'm not writing this for the company and am not receiving anything for this - I'm simply sharing something we bought and loved with you in case you're looking for something similar.

Anyways, the other night Gavin had a rough night. He woke up and must have had a bad dream because he was talking about scary dragons and didn't want to be alone in his bed. I decided it was time for a nightlight of some sort. I didn't want one to be on in his room all night, but instead something that he could control if he needed a light on. I did some searching on the web and found two options that I liked and had seen before. One was the Twilight Turtle by Cloud B and the other was the giimmo by Pabobo.

We ended up picking the giimmo just because we had a Walmart gift card and you can't get the Twilight Turtle at Walmart, but we're really happy with the choice. We got a dinosaur, which he calls a dragon. He has been obsessed with dragons lately - both in love with and afraid of them.

The giimmo has a soft LED light inside that changes colours. It comes with a charger and doesn't take batteries and can be set to run constantly or to turn on and off with a tap. Plus, it can run for up to 8 hours straight and is safe to leave with your child in their bed. It doesn't get hot or anything. Last night we put Gavin to bed with it and he played with it in his bed for a while, then fell asleep with it. I just went in and tapped it off once he was asleep. This morning when he woke up, he had it on again and was playing quietly in his bed. We also took it out with us when we were shopping last night. He was happily occupied with it most of the time and didn't whine about going in and out of the car.

2 wonderful comments:

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

Hey, this isn't relevant, but I wanted to tell you about the Re-Vamped Valentines Exchange I'm co-hosting! I thought maybe you'd be interested! :)

Take care, Erica!

Erica @ Acire Adventures said...

Cool! Thanks for the info, Sarah. :)